3 Ways to Stay Sane During Coronavirus Quarantine


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You already know what has been going on lately: novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, is sweeping the nation, closing universities and businesses across the United States. As a result, a lot of us are under mandatory self-quarantine, in an attempt to reduce the spread of the highly infectious virus.  

But, what you may not know – now that you’ve been holed up in your apartment or family home for days on end – is how to stay sane during what could be a very long quarantine period. After all, we’re all social creatures, and most of us thrive on person-to-person interaction. Hey, even the most introverted among us must admit that not being able to enjoy a meal in your favorite restaurant kind of stinks. So, it’s natural that you’re already starting to go a bit stir-crazy right now.  

Luckily, your pals at uCribs are here for you, through thick and thin, and have come up with good ways to make the most of this strange period and keep your sanity in the process.  

Do useful things around your apartment 

You could spend your entire quarantine planted on the couch, with the TV remote in one hand and a bag of potato chips in the other. Or, you could choose to pass the time wisely by dedicating yourself to household chores, organizational undertakingsor apartment-related DIY projects. Maybe, you’ve been meaning to declutter your desk or perhaps, you feel like you finally have the time to complete that Pinterest project. Now is the perfect opportunity to cross these items off your to-do list, once and for all.  

While it might not the most exciting things to do, knocking out useful tasks, like these, around your apartment will give you a sense of accomplishment, while also forcing you to get up and move around – which you have to admit you could certainly benefit from! Another pro of cleaning or organizing your space? By doing so, you’ll immediately improve the look and feel of your crib. This will be key to staying comfortable during the quarantine, since you can’t go anywhere else.  

quarantine, coronavirus, covid-19, health, isolation, social distancing, mental health, entertainment

Schedule virtual hangouts with friends and family.   

As a young adult, you’ve no doubt used social media and messaging apps to keep up with pals from school and elsewhere. But, have you thought about taking things one step further and scheduling virtual “dates” with your friends and family members? These days, just about everyone has a smartphone, so it’s not too far-fetched to fit some digital socialization into your quarantine schedule. With several social media platforms offering cool, in-app features, hanging out online can be just as fun as doing so face-to-face!  

When you’re ready to schedule a virtual hangout, avoid catching your friend or loved one off-guard by offering to schedule it ahead of time – hey, you need to be considerate of people’s time, even if they’re also stuck in their home for an undetermined amount of time. You can agree to simply chat face-to-face, using your smartphones’ video capabilities or take advantage of newly released apps, like Netflix Party—which allows you to stream TV shows or movies, while simultaneously chatting with your family members or friends. You can also play games in apps, such as Snapchat or exchange witty filters courtesy of Instagram. Needless to say, there are tons of entertaining ways to spend quality time with your loved ones online these days!  

Meditate, read, or enjoy any other relaxing activity.  

Stressed out about coronavirus? You’re not alone in feeling this way. With many experts now saying that we might not see the end of the coronavirus pandemic until 2021, it’s completely understandable to feel anxious and uncertain about the future. And, that’s exactly why we, at uCribs, think that you should spend your quarantine doing what you can to mitigate these – potentially out-of-control levels of stress. In other words, it’s time for some serious self-care.  

Self-care means something different for everyone, so what one friend enjoys doing to relax might vary greatly from your ideal wind-down activity. Some activities seem to work for everyone, including reading, exercising, and enjoying repetitive activities, like crocheting or meal prepAnother great way to center yourself? There’s meditation, which can reduce your heart rate and quiet an overworked mind. Regardless of how you choose to enjoy your very unexpected R&R, find a leisurely activity that you can easily do at home and stick to it throughout your quarantine. New hobby, anyone? 

Is your self-quarantine already making you crazy? Trust us, we can relate! It can be challenging to make the transition from your life as a busy college student to one of an isolated young adult, even if you consider yourself an introvert. Next time you feel utterly alone – or, worse, bored out of your mind – let our ideas inspire and motivate you, as you remain committed to flattening the curve!  

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Amelia Woolard is a graduate of Millsaps College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications Studies and an Art History minor. A native of Jackson, Mississippi, Amelia moved to New Orleans in 2014 to begin her career in marketing and design. She is particularly interested in the intersection of art and language, and enjoys projects that merge the two fields. Amelia is an avid yet critical pop culture consumer and a loving mother to her cat Faulkner.

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