Green Living: A Guide For The Lazy


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So, you want to save the world, or, at the very least, slow its decent into a planet of garbage.

Awesome! I’m sincerely happy to hear that. It’s very easy to take an ironic, too-cool attitude to things like that, or to take a snide approach, but the pursuit of improvement should always be embraced and supported. So, seriously: that’s cool. Don’t let anyone try to play you for caring and trying to do better.

So let’s talk about how to do better.

1. Less Buzzwords, More Action

Organic eggs cost more, and (allegedly, though I too allege it) taste better. But just buying organic food here and there does less to help than, you know, actually helping.

Support a local farm! Sounds hard, but it’s super easy. Go to a farmer’s market. Understand that it might cost a little more, but it will also taste better and the righteous buzz you get should help offset a few nickels here and there. Similarly, recycling is good but avoiding conspicuous waste is even better. Do you know how to compost? Me neither. It sounds like a ton of work. But if you just stop buying plastic bottles of water that’s basically just as good and way more doable.

It’s cheaper too.

2. Do The Easy Ones That Work For You Too

Don’t buy plastic water bottles. Do buy the energy saving light bulbs. Both of these will help the world while helping your wallet in the long term, which is a pretty good deal. You can also bring in a canvas bag when you go grocery shopping but that’s less easy.

If you do the easy good ones you’ll feel less bad about the other ones you miss out on, like tenderly raising a chicken and teaching it happiness, or whatever it is the hardcore people do. If hardcore is too hardcore for you, at least compromise in the direction of good practices.

3. Don’t Shower So Much Or For So Long

Same with air conditioning. Or electricity. Just don’t use them so much when you don’t need to, and double check to make sure you’re not leaving anything on.

That’s it! Be aware of your consumption in a bland, basic way and you’ll be more inclined to do better to help the environment.

4. Eat Less Meat

Meat is delicious and the best, but if you cut back a little bit on meat, you’ll be helping the environment. Commercial farming uses a lot of energy and recourses, and replacing that with a little more grains and vegetables here and there is a great way to give back.

Plus, you’ll feel better physically to replace a burger with a salad, every now and then. Just on occasion. Seriously. Don’t go overboard.

5. Kill All The Mosquitos You Can Find

This is probably terrible for the environment, but whatever. Kill them all.

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Lev Novak is a recent graduate of Tufts University. He has currently shopping his first novel, and has previously written for College Humor and Hack College.

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