How to Be Healthier


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Being healthy is nice, but it’s not something many of us think in our day to day. 95% of the time, we’re fine, or fine enough not to notice. The last 5% though, is a doozy.

So let’s get healthy, okay?

1. Understand That It’s 100% You Can Improve

I know I said 5% is when you’re sick- and it’s true- but how you feel all the time can be improved. The problem is that you’re used to how your body feels and that’s the standard. But think- you can have more energy. You can be less hungry less often. Your skin can improve. You can sleep better.

All these things in your life that you put up with physically- and it’s good that you do, we all have these things- can be improved somewhat by eating well, getting sleep, and exercise. Will it improve your skin? Probably it will- nothing crazy, but it will. Good health is a side effect that radiates into unexpected parts of your life.

At the very least, understand that eating less french fries won’t hurt your life, and in many ways, will probably help.

2. Be Content With Yourself

Look, everything is easier said than done. I was vegetarian for three days when I was fourteen. Well, it was three days if you don’t count fish, because I had fish. Then I had chicken, but that’s not meat, right?

Then I wanted a hamburger. So long, guys.

The problem was I heard about good health, and became interested and swung for the fences. I was going to be a vegetarian, guys. I was going to eat salads. But I couldn’t do it, and so I went right back to my usual diet.

Trying hard isn’t a mistake, but the crash of giving up hurts. If you want to make a change, start small. Less ice cream and fewer french fries. Not none– less. Go for a walk. Not a run, a walk. Not every day, but sometimes. When it’s nice out.

Small changes build up and get you momentum. Otherwise, you’re just going to fail, and stop trying. Slow and steady, my friend.

3. Give Yourself Chances

Being healthy sometimes means giving yourself the opportunity to impress yourself.

Let yourself succeed: keep baby carrots and bananas in your apartment. Let yourself eat them instead of getting pizza…unless you really want pizza. Again, it’s not about cutting out bad stuff completely, but it’s about improving yourself and your life. Pick your battles- if you’re just hungry, eat something healthy. If you want pizza, that’s different. But you have to want it, first.

4. Substitute.

Coffee is better for you than soda. Frozen yogurt is general better than ice cream (watch out for the toppings.) Toast is better for you than a muffin is, and whole grain bread is better than white bread. Brown rice is better than white rice, and generally, tofu is better than meat. Not eating snacks is better than eating them.

You don’t have to make these substitutes all the time, but you should make them sometimes. Build momentum and help yourself. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a new food you love.

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Lev Novak is a recent graduate of Tufts University. He has currently shopping his first novel, and has previously written for College Humor and Hack College.

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