We all know that college is expensive (See how expensive the Top 10 are!) Fortunately we have loans, grants, scholarships, and parents to help us out with our immediate costs What about...
Michigan State University is a gorgeous campus full of diversity and many friends to be made There's also that one thing you really, really want to do now that you're in college and...
Are you like me and have one or two fur babies in tow at Michigan State University in East Lansing Don't want to part from them in order to get a sweet pad Check out this list of...
Trust me, I know it's really easy to slack off when it comes to being neat Mom's not around to tell you to clean your room and you're like "No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I'm...
Are we ever really too old for Halloween It may be impossible to trick-o-treat without getting mean mugged by the neighbors now-a-days, but you're in college now and it's totally...

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