Every Wednesday, we consider something you so you don't have to Disagree Do the opposite You're an adult Should you wake up early That's a question that people have discussed for...
A penny saved is a penny earned, and while earning money is awesome, saving money can be a lot less fun After all, spending money is great; to resist that is to resist temptation True,...
In college, you have an unprecedented opportunity to try new things Good and bad ideas alike are afforded by a suddenly flexible schedule, and the benefits of age Want to go on a...
Smell the pumpkin spice in the air Halloween is almost upon us Do you have a costume yet Finding a solid Halloween costume can be difficult for everyone On the one hand, you want...
An apartment is like your castle Unfortunately, castles aren't the safest places, at least according to Game of Thrones There are issues to be aware of, both inside and out of your...

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