Two Ways To Live Healthier


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Health is an odd idea. Everyone wants to be healthy, but you don’t really think about health until its gone, or, at the very least, until it’s not where you want it to be. For example, you think about the flu a lot more when you actually have it. Same goes for stomach aches. But when you’re eating that bacon cheeseburger? During the act immediately prior, you are blissfully unaware.

So, that raises a key question: how do you stay healthier when being unhealthy is so much easier? How do you keep yourself healthy when you can’t even bring yourself to care or think about it nine times out of ten?

1. Think Of Health As Currency

That’s it! Just change your mindset and think about your health as another currency with which to spend things.

That’s because a salad can seem steep on a low salary when McDonalds is right near by. I get it. But there are hidden costs that go beyond your wallet. Consider how that food will make you feel, how it will affect your energy, and how hungry you’ll be afterwards.

A salad might cost more, but it might be worth it if your body is craving actual healthy foods. Other foods are good for you and your wallet; making your own salads, for example, or eating the occasional apples. There’s even an outdated cliche phrase about eating apples and not seeing doctors- make it your own. Have an apple a day (ish) and see where that takes you.

There are currencies in life outside of your wallet. There’s no need to rule out delicious foods or to be ignorant of the cash-cost of food, but be aware of the balance.

2. Make It Fun

If it’s a chore to go the gym, you’re not going to go.

That’s a sad but simple truth. If you hate something, the fiber of your body is going to fight it. Think about how hard it is to focus on tests or exams. Even if it’s something you “want” to do, or something you know you should, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to get it done without a fight against your will.

So: make it fun.

Do you like basketball? Get on that. Do you like fruit? Fruit for breakfast with some whole grain toast. Yum! Also, that will help fill you with healthy, good calories. Even if fruit is expensive, consider it an investment in your health, plus it’s a treat. What a good one-two punch!

Set yourself up for success by pursuing the fun routes to health. There’s more than one way to get in shape and stay healthy, so you may as well pursue the fun ones, right? It’ll work better and you’ll be more likely to stay committed long-term if you’re not miserable while you’re doing it.

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Lev Novak is a recent graduate of Tufts University. He has currently shopping his first novel, and has previously written for College Humor and Hack College.

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