What I Wish I Knew


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Wish I knew

There comes a time in everyone’s lives where you look back on your undergraduate days and wished there were things I did, or didn’t do.

There were also some things I would relive over and over if I had the chance.

Most importantly, there were also things I wish I knew that would have helped me get through my undergraduate days.

1. Plan ahead

I don’t mean planning ahead as in, what you are going to eat a week from today (though that is definitely a good plan). But as you get to your junior year, you will need to have a rough idea what you might want to do when you graduate. Whether you are planning to go to grad school or head to work, you will need time to take the classes you need, or to get your grades up.

You can do that in the moment, and there’s no need to worry if you’ve come to your dream late, but planning ahead can prevent a headache in the future. Planning can be annoying, but so is realizing that you have one semester to take four requirements.

2. Study hard.

Academics do matter. If you plan to get a job right out of school, you do need some good grades. Most importantly though, you need to able to make use of what you learned in school. This means that you need to be able to apply the knowledge, and make use of your writing or analytical skills.

Lastly, and more optimistically, you might like it. Working hard now can get you further along down a path you already enjoy. If you don’t put effort in, you might not find a hidden passion.

3. …But not too hard

Spend some time outside the classroom. Take the time to be involved in student groups on campus. If you have the chops, take up a leadership person, or even help volunteer for an event on campus. These look great on your resume, and you will learn important skills that you can’t learn in the classroom. These skills will help you survive the workplace, or even get a promotion in the future.

Also, you’ll be happy. And there’s no class on that.

4. Life Doesn’t End After College; It Starts Again.

This is an editorial addition, but an important one. College is an awesome time in your life but it’s not going to be the only one. It’s normal to feel a let down, a worry, or some angst after graduating, but don’t confuse it with permanence. You’ll be on the next adventure soon enough.

Remember that, and take a breath now. College is great, but the “real world” is only as real as you make it. You can still eat in your pajamas. At least, you can for a bit.

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Melissa is currently pursuing a graduate degree in the area of Student Affairs, and is also working full-time as a graduate adviser. She enjoys working with her students to help them achieve their academic objectives, and she loves writing about anything and everything. Melissa is also working on her first novel, and hopes to get it published before actually taking over the world.

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