5 Things I Wish I Would Have Known as a Freshman


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Freshman year… need I say more? A year full of nervousness, dorm room parties, and a whole lot of unknown. Every incoming freshman hears the same horror stories about terrible roommates, failing classes, and gaining the dreaded freshman 15. But there is a whole lot more to your first year of college than these three little things. If I could go back in time to the beginning of my freshman year knowing these things, my first year experience would have been life changing. These five tips should help incoming freshman not only realize their potential, but also avoid spending far too many hours in their dorm room watching Netflix.

1. Keep high school in the past

Yes ladies, I am talking to you. The absolute last thing that college students (and boys) want to hear about or deal with is high school drama. I know that the transition from high school to college is a big deal and it’s not always easy. But for the most part, drama in college is almost non-existent. By drama I mean, “OMG this guy I think I’m talking to has another girl as his Snapchat best friend” or doing absolutely everything to avoid bumping into your ex in the halls after a break up. College is the time and the place for everyone to grow up. Of course we all miss high school football games, prom, and our friends from home, but being stuck in high school is only going to hold you back from being fully immersed in college life.

2. Don’t be just a face in the crowd

I know you have probably heard this a thousand and twelve times, but really it is one of the best pieces of advice you will receive before starting your freshman year. Every first year college student strives to blend in and not stick out like a lost puppy on campus. You will want to sit in the back row of your lecture halls, eat lunch with your headphones in, and will do almost anything to avoid drawing negative attention to yourself (because let’s be honest…a lot of times you are a lost puppy). But plot twist, the absolute best thing you can do for yourself is to stick out. I don’t mean purple hair and 6-inch heels stick out, I mean by making yourself known. To your professors and TA’s, your residence hall assistants, to the academic advisors, to the lady in the cafeteria that scoops ice cream, to anyone and everyone that can help you out because they will be willing to if they know who you are. In college you have to start fending for yourself and making your own connections. Because everything will no longer be laid out right in front of you and if you want something you have to find a way to get it yourself and let me tell you, having connections will make your life a whole lot easier. So be the face that people know, I promise you won’t regret it.

3. Go out of your comfort zone

And it’s not easy… especially if you were like me, going off to college and not knowing a soul. But this is how you will make friends, this is how you will find your niche, and this is how you will start feeling at home. Going out of your comfort zone will eventually make you feel more comfortable in the long run. Make friends with the people on your floor, go to new student events (even if they sound stupid or boring), go to a club meeting, get an on campus job, talk to people in your classes, talk to the person in line in front of you at Bigby… because chances are by doing these things you will find a new friend or two or ten.

4. Use your resources

There are hundreds of staff members and upperclassman students on your campus whose job is to make your college experience better. Everything from tutoring to counseling to career advising, I’m sure your campus has it. And let me tell you, don’t be too proud or too ashamed to use these resources. If your campus is anything like mine, there will be students lined up out of the doors to get help on their math homework or to get a paper revised at the tutoring centers. And did I mention that this is all free to you as a student? These people are here on your campus to help you, so let them.

5. Remember you aren’t alone

There are literally hundreds or thousands of other freshman students on your campus alone. You aren’t the only one feeling nervous, or homesick, or overwhelmed. And don’t forget we have all been there, everyone is a Freshman once and it is your job to make the most out of this year and every other year ahead you. These next four years will be some of the best times of your life so be yourself, have fun, and go get em tiger!

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Ade is a student at Michigan State University majoring in Biomedical Lab Diagnostics and minoring in Spanish. She plans to attend medical school and someday work in the E.R. In her free time, Ade enjoys spending time with her family and friends, practicing yoga, and drinking expensive coffee. She hopes to one day move to Alabama and start a family. You can find her on Tumblr & Pinterest

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