Making Your Apartment Spring-Ready


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It’s Spring. Almost.

Everyone is going to disagree with this.

For the people in warm weather, it’s been spring for a while. Even their winter is spring; I spent Christmas in California on a porch in a thin sweatshirt. Meanwhile, in the Northeast, it’s winter. It’s nothing but winter. And what a winter it’s been.

But still. Spring is coming.

Today is March 4th, which means that it’s March. Even pushing February to 31 days would let today be March. And March is the end of winter.

You gotta love it.

Sure, it’s not Spring now. It’s below freezing in New York. But still, the signs of Spring are around us. The sun is out, and sets later. There are moments, rare as they might be, where we aren’t freezing. And soon, weirdly soon, Spring will begin to peek its way through the frost.

You need to be ready for it.

1. Re-examine Your Apartment

Your apartment, up till now, was been in Winter mode.

It’s subtle, but it’s a clear difference. In Winter mode, you hunker down in your apartment. It fills with trash and comfort foods and proximity is king.

But in Spring, the game changes.

Check your apartment. Do have a porch you’ve been ignoring in the cold? Can it hold a hammock? What about roof access? Can it safely hold a friend and a six pack? Do you have a large driveway, one large enough for a grill? These sorts of questions are unthinkable in the winter and inevitable in the summer. The key, though, is remembering them earlier than you otherwise do. Because if you’re the first one grilling, you have more time to figure out what to grill. Take advantage of good weather the moment it comes. You deserve it.

2. Get Supplies

You need a grill, good sandals that aren’t broken or super lame, at least one pair of shorts that are decently cool, and at least one short sleeve shirt an adult could wear.

There. You are prepared for sudden heat waves.

That’s right. The same way cold snaps start rightttt at the beginning of winter, heat snaps come in at the veryyyyy start of Spring. Not always, of course, but often. And if you’re prepared now you’re set to take advantage when the inevitable occurs.

3. Clean

Spring cleaning. It’s not just a cliche. Because your house has been lived in Winter hunker-down mode, it’s easy for it to get dirty. Just know that trash smells much worse in the heat than it does in the cold.

You’ve been warned. Better cleaning is a necessity in the spring and summer.

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Lev Novak is a recent graduate of Tufts University. He has currently shopping his first novel, and has previously written for College Humor and Hack College.

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