The Holidays are upon us which brings lots of new sights to the Bryan/ College Station area Whether you're looking for a study break, an after finals outing, or planning to avoid home a...
The typical student's winter ritual entails regression from warm-weather activities to a state of deep hibernation As if all the pent up indolence from the summer and fall can finally be...
Finals Just saying the word makes my heart race It's every student's most hated part of the year Despite regular examination and midterms, nothing quite compares to the stress finals...
It's college Everyone likes to drink, but the only problem is alcohol tastes so horrible By the time you're drunk, you usually don't care, but those first few shots are a doozie If you...
Approaching the close of the semester, more than a few students are uncertain about their classes next semester It's possible your grades took some unexpected hits or the subject matter...

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