Halloween is next week, and you don't have a costume yet because you're in college and procrastination is your minor That's fine I've been in this situation quite a few times, and I have a...
After graduating from high school, you'll no doubt receive countless credit card offers in the mail Credit cards are both beneficial and convenient, but can easily become a nightmare if...
Ever find yourself out late at night on campus alone Drank too much at the club and don't have a ride home Late nighter at the library to ace that exam the next day Staying out late...
College is an exciting time in every young adult's life With the excitement of moving away, making new friends, parties, starting a new chapter in life, we often fail to stop and think...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday Fun, food, friends, and family--what's there not to love! Of course, many college students find themselves away from their families for the first time...

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