4 Ways To Choose Your Subletter


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So you followed all my great advice and you got a subletter. Fantastic! I knew you had it in you. In fact, you followed my advice so well that you have multiple potential subletters. Not just “maybes” but full-on “yes, can I sign” people lined up around your pristine, well-located block.

So, now what?

1. Enjoy.

Choice can be a difficult thing, as can be the stress of letting somebody down. If you have four potential subletters, disappointing three people may sound like an awkward chore.

Don’t think about it like that. Because subletting is a wild and crazy game and you survived.

If someone can’t get the apartment, they will understand. You don’t owe them anything. But what you do owe is a high-five to yourself for getting this done, for not missing a month of rent and (hopefully) not taking a financial loss.

Have a snack and a smile. You deserved it.

2. Loop In The Roomies

If you’re leaving, your investment in the subletter is minimal. Even though it can feel personal to you- you met them, you’re setting this up, you’re giving them your room- but it’s going to be your roommates who deal with them for the rest of the year.

So, when you can, let the roommates check out the subletters. Stalk their social media together. FIgure out a group decision that lets everyone feel comfortable with the subletter, and if you’re still anxious about rejecting people, remember- you can shift some blame to the “group decision” now.

Now everybody wins!

But mostly you and yours.

3. Figure Out The Pyramid of Needs

The pyramid of subletter needs is a priority that lists, in order, what you need from a subletter. Here they are, in order of most important to least.

*Is not terrible, threatening, or a life-altering monster.

*Pays rent and puts down deposit.

*Is not bad, passive aggressive, bad fit for the group.

*Can manage basic household chores and cash splits for utilities, internet etc promptly and without fuss.

*Is fun, cool, or otherwise an actively good fit for the group.

*Has a car, deep-fryer, or any other massive perk.

*You know and like them from before.

That’s it! If you find someone not bad who pays rent and can handle their things, that’s all you really need. You may notice that “knowing and liking them from before” is dead last in this. Maybe you have a friend or a friend of a friend you know from before who’s a little shaky on money and can be passive aggressive at times- they aren’t the subletter you need.

I know, I know- people you know sound like the best picks in times of uncertainty. But that’s not how the pyramid works, and that pyramid is the sacred knowledge of uCribs.

4. Coin Flips

Good enough for Two Face, good enough for you.

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Lev Novak is a recent graduate of Tufts University. He has currently shopping his first novel, and has previously written for College Humor and Hack College.

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