Make-Ahead Breakfast Recipes for Busy Bees


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The commands of the day can often make skipping breakfast an easy habit to adopt, as it can be time consuming and sometimes you’re just not hungry in the morning. I get it. The key is to make your breakfast ahead of time so having pancakes in the morning doesn’t mean skipping out on those much needed extra zZz’s. These 4 breakfast ideas are bringing nutrition back with the ease of takeout and all the savor of a homemade meal.

1. Banana Pancakes

Banana Protein Pancakes

A protein and potassium packed version of the OG flapjack, these flour less banana pancakes only call for 2 standard ingredients. To make two servings of banana pancakes just add 3 bananas and 4 eggs to a blender and blend until smooth.
If you don’t have a blender, mashing the bananas with a fork and whisking in the eggs works fine. Feel free to spice up this concoction with whatever seasonings you fancy, perhaps some cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, and maybe a little honey if you tend to like your cakes on the sweet side. Cook these like you would regular pancakes, coating pan with butter or coconut oil and keep the stovetop on medium heat, flipping when each side is thoroughly cooked (about 2 minutes on each side). Let cool off and seal into freezer safe ziploc bags before popping into your freezer.

2. Smoothie Packs

Smoothie Packs

Who needs Jamba Juice when you’re just a crack of a bag and a push of a button away from making an exquisite smoothie of your own? All you need to do for this one is add a variety of chopped up fruit and leafy greens of your choice to a freezer safe ziploc bag or a mason jar, making sure to add the greens to the top for optimal freshness, and store in the freezer. For an extra dose of flavor and a chewy texture, try adding juice cubes to your smoothie. To make you just need to pour your fruit juice of choice (perhaps some OJ?) into an ice cube tray and freeze until you need them.

3. Omelet Muffins

Omelet Muffins

Miniature omelets derived from a muffin pan may seem like an odd concept to some, but I kid you not, these things are the shit. Omelet muffins are as time-crunch friendly as an Egg McMuffin, without lacking all the authentic flavor of a traditional pan-fried omelet. To get started preheat your oven to 350, spray 6 muffin cups with a nonstick cooking spray, and gather 6 eggs, 1/4 cup of milk, 1/3 cup shredded cheese, and 3/4 cup cooked and crumbled sausage, bacon, or ham. Allow sausage, bacon, or ham some time to drain in a paper towel lined boil before mixing together with the eggs, milk and spinach. Follow by scooping about 1/3 cup of egg mixture into each prepared muffin tin. Then just sprinkle your cheese on top, shake some salt and pepper on your om-muffs and pop into the oven for 25-30 minutes. Check the middle of the muffins with a fork to ensure that the eggs are cooked all the way through. Store in ziploc bags in the freezer, so they’re ready to reheat when you’re ready to eat.

4. Overnight oats

Overnight oats

Ahhh oatmeal…It’s rich in fiber, heart healthy and an all around wholesome breakfast. Yada yada yada. Let’s get one thing straight though, this dish ain’t your Momma’s oatmeal. This overnight collaboration of oats, milk and fruit packs twice the flavor punch of regular oatmeal because of the extra time it has to fully bask in all of it’s glorious flavor. To forge this masterpiece layer 1/2 cup dry oats, 1 cup of milk, your fruit of choice, vanilla and honey if you wish into a mason jar, then seal before storing in the fridge. Don’t hesitate to get creative with your jar of oats! Shredded coconut, ground flax seeds, chia seeds, cinnamon, nuts, peanut or almond butter, and even protein powder are all tasty additions to this meal in a jar. Word of advice; wait until the morning you plan on eating your oats to add in whatever you don’t want getting soggy, like nuts, granola, and shredded coconut. This dish can be served either hot or cold, it really just depends on one’s personal preferences. For those who like it hot, heat in the microwave for 1-2 minutes before serving.

With these 4 make ahead breakfast ideas on board, you’ll never have to go through your day breakfastless again. 8 AM Bio Lab and no time to fuel up beforehand? No problemo, you’re just the push of a blender or microwave button away from a damn good meal that still happens to be nutritionally sound. Feel free to share your thoughts on this list of make-ahead breakfast ideas in the comments below!

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Amanda Brown currently resides in Bend, OR and is working on an Associate Of Science Business Transfer degree at Central Oregon Community College. The following spring term she plans on transferring to Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR to pursue a double major in International Studies and Marketing. In her downtime, Amanda enjoys going for long runs in new places, reading in coffee shops, and dressing up her dogs in festive sweaters. Follow Amanda on her Tumblr

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